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Thursday, September 20, 2012

PEI National Park: Stanhope Campground

It's hard to know where you're going when you book a campground. Each person has different expectations of what they think a "good" campground is. At the Stanhope Campground in PEI's National Park, you have great beach but a less great campground. I now understand why there were not that many pictures of the actual campground online. I didn't take any pictures of the campground either. It was that interesting (smirk).

There was little space between each site, and the skimpy foliage didn't do a lot for privacy. I like privacy. I don't like knowing what other people's morning dental habits are or are not.

In addition, there was a fire ban. REALLY? How fun is it to camp without a campfire? Okay, I guess safety trumps individual emotions and building childhood memories.

The next day, the girls and I spent many happy hours relaxing on an empty stretch of beach. The water was much warmer than I expected.

 Too bad that the warmish water was FULL of jelly fish. Do they all sting? I don't know, but I was once stung in Tel Aviv, and that was enough for me. I wasn't going to find out just so my kids could swim with the jelly blobs.

 My little ballerina

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