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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hoping for Whales!

Waking up to cold morning temps while camping in the summer is sort of a bummer, but it gave me an excuse for something chocolate for breakfast! I fired up the Coleman propane stove, and before I knew it, I had 4 steaming cups of hot chocolate. Mmm...and did it ever hit the spot. It made me feel so cozy that I even decided to start a small campfire to warm up the space where we were sitting, davening, and would eventually have breakfast. I had a tent full of very happy girls. 

As we sat down for breakfast my husband told me that his ma'ariv davening buddy showed up AGAIN! Unbelievable.

The agenda for the day was to explore some of this incredible National Park. We decided to take one of the short hikes down to the coast and to see if we could spot any whales. Well, one can hope! The Bay of Fundy is prime location for whale watching, so why not? Also, they have the highest tides in the world, so if we're lucky, the tide will be out, and we can walk on the ocean floor and explore the tidal pools.

We were picturing a worn dirt path through the forest, but instead we were met with this spectacular view!
 And look at this wooden walkway all the way down to the water. Wow. They take their park pretty seriously over here in Fundy!
There was even a viewfinder. I looked out to search for whales and thought I saw something...maybe not.
                      There were a lot of French speakers at this park, and everything was bilingual.
 "Mommy, why do you have to take so many pictures?!" "Because I want to remember all of this."
 We're all bundled up in 3 layers. Notice my scarf. When you're camping, you don't have to match! Love                             that. Where else would I wear Crocs in public...lavender Crocs.
                                           This is what you see when you emerge from the forest.
                                   Granite folks. Everywhere I looked, I kept seeing counter tops.
 Barnacles look kind of alien and interesting. They were covering a lot of the rocks that we walked on. My daughter had taken off her socks, and as she walk over barnacle covered rocks, those and the little snails (not shown here) were getting crunched up and inside of the front of her Crocs. When she realized it, there was a bit of a freak out. I mean really, who wants barnacle and snail parts smushed over their feet. Icksa!
 You can't see the logo, but he's got my JWRP (Jewish Women's Renaissance Project) backpack on. You have to be pretty comfortable with your masculinity to walk around with a backpack like that.
 There really wasn't any sand on this beach; it was all rocks. What you don't know until you do it, is that walking on rocks for an any time over 5 minutes starts to hurt your feet...especially when you're wearing Crocs. We never did make it all the way to the water's edge, because after 15 minutes of walking on rocks, someone needed to pee. I suppose that is life with kids. Luckily for us, when you walk back up and out of the forest, there is a toilet. How convenient! Did I already say that I love this park? I really love this park!

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