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Friday, August 10, 2012

An Unlikely Minyan

My husband shared a funny story with me about something that happened last night after the girls and I went to bed. My husband realized the he still needed to daven ma'ariv. So there he was, all alone near the dying fire, enveloped in darkness and davening. Suddenly he heard the rustle and crunching of earth coming towards him. He looked out but couldn't see into the blackness. The noise was getting really loud, and he thought, "Well, this is really chutzpadik of someone to not even announce that they are approaching". When he could speak, he said, "hello?", but he received no reply. His eyes were searching the trees and bushes that stood only a few feet in front of him, then suddenly,he saw two shining eyes looking back at him. He was startled and realized that it was probably just a raccoon. Chutzpadik raccoon!

Here is his little shtiebel in the forest. Now, just imagine a  critter standing 2 feet in front of him. Usually animals are afraid of humans (with good reason--brisket anyone?), so I wonder why this one seemed to be drawn to him instead of wary.

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